If you’re unhappy with your insurance company after Hurricane Ida, let Joseph Piacun work for you. You will speak directly to him and he will attempt to do what he’s done for so many others after every disaster since Katrina – go after every dollar that you deserve.
Unhappy with your Hurricane Ida insurance claim?
With more than $60 billion in damages, Ida decimated many parishes – and many communities are still trying to recover. From Katrina to current disasters like Ida, Joe Piacun has helped clients recover millions in damages. Let him take on your insurance company to be sure that you’re going after every dollar that you deserve…so you and your family can focus on health and recovery.

No gimmicks. We take pride in helping those who need it most.
Hurricane Ida left behind catastrophic damage to Louisiana homes and businesses. Pursue the compensation you deserve.
Beginning in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Mr. Piacun has earned significant experience handling homeowner and business insurance claims following hurricanes and other powerful storms. He has assembled an experienced and effective team to investigate and develop your claim to present the best possible case to your insurance company for full and fair compensation for your losses. Mr. Piacun and his team are ready to go to work for you.
Our team of claim professionals have the experience to investigate your losses and make sure that all of your covered damages are identified and submitted as part of your claim. You may not even know that you have sustained damage to your home or business that is covered under your policy. Our team of claim professionals will inspect your home or business thoroughly to make sure that all damage is found and identified and made part of your claim.We are paid only if we recover additional amounts for you as part of our investigation. You keep every penny that you may have been paid by your insurance company before we get started. And if we fail to recover any additional amount for you, you owe us nothing.
You can help us develop your claim through the following:1) Gather all necessary documents. Insurance policies, declarations pages, and premium renewal notices are critical documents required to assert any homeowners or business claim because they should show the types of coverage and amounts of Insurance coverage in effect at the time of the storm.2) Save your photos! Photographs and video are usually the best evidence of the apparent or obvious damages that your property sustained. Similarly, pre-storm photographs of the condition of your home’s interior and exterior and contents are invaluable proof of the existence and condition of your personal property prior to the storm.3) Save all letters, estimates and other communication with your insurance company and adjusters. Louisiana law sets specific time limits and other requirements for insurance companies to respond and pay your claims following their receipt of proof of your loss. Many claims may fall through the cracks of this process, particularly when you may be assigned to many different adjusters. Our team of claim professionals will also need to review your insurance company’s initial estimates to evaluate whether all of your losses were fairly addressed and paid.4) Additional Living Expenses. Most homeowners insurance policies provide for additional living expense coverage to reimburse you for expenses incurred because of an evacuation or relocation due to damage to your home. Recoverable expenses usually include gasoline expenses, hotel expenses, food and clothing expenses, and even rent and utility expenses for prolonged absences from your home. Be sure to save all receipts and credit card statements documenting these expenses.
(Past results are no guarantee of future success. Results will vary.)